Tamron Little, Survivor

“Just by looking at me, I bet you couldn’t guess that I am a 15 year and counting peritoneal Mesothelioma survivor. Most times when I tell people their mouth drops, and then they proceed to ask “What’s mesothelioma?”

To be honest, when I first found out I had peritoneal Mesothelioma, I didn’t know what it was either. Mesothelioma is a type of cancer that’s caused by asbestos exposure. If you look online now, you will probably see that the statics show that the typical patient is an older man in his mid-60s who has worked in a blue-collar industry. I didn’t check all the boxes - I was a 21-year-old African American female. Talk about not being your typical patient.

In the beginning of my journey battling cancer I was determined to overcome it. First, I was misdiagnosed with a fibroid tumor while pregnant. My faith kicked into overdrive and I was motivated by my newborn son to push through. Imagine being told you have cancer and 18 months to live with a cancer you’ve never heard of before. After going to an oncologist who knew nothing about Mesothelioma, I was referred to a specialist who introduced me to the HIPEC. This surgery was a groundbreaking one and changed my life for the better. I responded well to the treatment and surprised my medical team.

Throughout my journey, I remained hopeful, I kept pushing and never gave up. When I couldn’t see the light, I searched for it and thought about being present for my son.

I’ve been told I have a way with words and I use my talents and story to inspire others. Whether it’s cancer patients, caregivers, or anyone to give them hope. The hope and joy that I see in people when they hear my story just confirms I’m in the right space. I’m grateful that I am able to share my experience and story through writing for asbestos.com.

Learning that hope is what so many people need, I’m elated that I can give it out.”

-Tamron Little


Frank Anderson, Survivor


Shelly Polak, Survivor